
2024-10-22 星期二




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夏日的色彩——中国 · 瑞典儿童美术作品联展 | China-Sweden Children's Art Exhibition

2022-06-01 11:49:36

步入六月,瑞典迎来了最明亮的季节。斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心联合中国美术家协会、中国民族文化艺术基金会、瑞典Lilla Akademien音乐学校、行知学堂、瑞京中文学校共同举办《夏日的色彩——中国 · 瑞典儿童美术作品联展》,展示中国首届全国少儿美展和瑞典儿童的佳作,用童真的色彩点亮明媚夏日。

Sweden celebrates the brightest season in June. China Cultural Center in Stockholm cooperates with Chinese Artists Association, Chinese Nationality Culture Foundation, Lilla Akademien, Xingzhi Skolan and Stockholms Kinesiska Skola to jointly present "The Color of Summer · China-Sweden Children's Art Exhibition", which displays artworks of Swedish children and selected works of the First National Children's Art Exhibition of China to light up the glorious summer with the color of childhood.

中国驻瑞典大使崔爱民为展览开幕致辞Opening remarks by Cui AiminChinese Ambassador to Sweden





Cherry Tree

Linnea Liolios

Grade 3



Cherry Tree

Anatoli Praxitelous

Grade 3



Cat with Sunset

Olga Björkman Selhag

Grade 3




Emelie Colleti Cristea

Grade 3



Free Bird

Emily, 10 y/o



Frost-bitten Leaves Look Redder Than Early Spring Flowers

Jiaying Liu, 6 y/o



Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Kelly C, 14 y/o



Summer Impression

Siyuan Liu, 11 y/o




Tiffany, 13 y/o




Zhiyi Chen, 10 y/o



Cherry Blossoms in Kungsträdgården

Bingxuan Fu, 5 y/o



Nanjing City Wall of the Ming Dynasty

Moxiang Dai, 12 y/o



Mom's Flower

Yi Sa, 7 y/o



Shanghai, Jiayou!

Miya Xu, 9 y/o



Visit the Stockholm Toy Museum

Mengyang Wang, 6 y/o



The Future Underwater World I Long For

Aidi Yang, 5 y/o



Future World

Philip, 7 y/o



Home Under the Moon and Stars

Yulin Zhu, 6 y/o



The Family of the Jade Rabbit on the Moon

Jingqi Zhu, 11 y/o



Bing Dwen Dwen & Shuey Rhon Rhon

Jamie, 9 y/o



Me and Mom

Siyue Zhang, 4 y/o



Xingzhi Journey to the West Online Class

Yichen Liu, 12 y/o



Sailing to the Sea

Zhongqi Zhang, 12 y/o



Still Life

Vincent, 11 y/o



Good Friend

Zilin Huang, 8 y/o




Xi Yang, 11 y/o




Yuxin Zou, 13 y/o




Brian, 11 y/o



Racing Game

Leonard Soloviev

Grade 9 y/o



Childhood Memories

Maya Broman Crawford- Philips

Grade 9 y/o



Summer Loquat

Youchang Li, 7 y/o



Persimmon Symbolizing Good Fortune

Ruihong Zhao, 7 y/o



A Bowl of Cherries

Yina Chen, 8 y/o



Refreshing Watermelon

Guangying Chang, 7 y/o



Dragon Fruit

Lele Yang, 6 y/o



Dancing Cactus

Yuchen Lu, 10 y/o



Summer Watermelon

Anna, 11 y/o



Calligraphy Work

Advance A Thousand Miles A Day

Andy, 7 y/o



Calligraphy Work

A Journey of A Thousand Miles

Milo, 7 y/o




Selected Works of the First National Children's Art Exhibition

幼儿组 Pre-primary Children

夏紫嫣 Ziyan Xia

《去深海探险》 Deep Sea Adventure



There are many strange mushroom-shaped beings at the bottom of the sea... I drew all kinds of mushrooms in various colors... My greatest dream is to be an underwater explorer. I imagine that one day, I will be able to explore the deep sea.

王梓瑜 Ziyu Wang

《我的梦幻城堡》 My Dream Castle


每个小女孩儿心中都有一个梦幻城堡,我也不例外,那里有像棉花糖一样的粉色云彩,有一年四季盛开的鲜花, 有迎接公主的气球,有会跳舞的小猫咪,有月亮和我做伴,有星星陪我捉迷藏,或许还有小仙女为我唱歌,或许还有一只可爱的独角兽载着我去翱翔。那就是我心中的梦幻城堡。

Like every little girl, I have a dream castle in my heart. There are pink clouds like cotton candies, flowers blooming all year round, balloons to greet the princess, dancing kittens, the moon and stars to accompany me and play hide and seek with me, maybe a little fairy who sings for me, or a cute unicorn to carry me to soar in the sky. That is my dream castle.

张育玮 Yuwei Zhang

《海洋之歌》 The Song of the Sea


我观看过电影《海洋之歌》后想画一幅画,我想象的海底世界,有星星,有月亮。海星、章鱼、 蓝精灵……都有自己的家,我设计了很多漂亮的房子给它们住。海豚用泡泡变成音符,歌唱着神奇的海底世界!保护动物,保护自然,与动物和自然和谐相处是我们最应该做的事情 , 只有这样生态平衡才能达到。

After watching the movie Song of the Sea, I wanted to draw a picture. I imagined the underwater world with stars and moon. Starfish, octopus, smurfs... all have their own homes, and I have designed many beautiful houses for them to live in. Dolphins turn bubbles into musical notes and sing about the magical underwater world! Protecting and living in harmony with animals and the nature are the most important things we should do. Only in this way can ecological balance be achieved.

郑涵文 Hanwen Zheng

《寻宝 》Treasure Hunt



I really want to become a small fish and settle here, always having corals and fish as my friends and swimming freely in the underwater world.

朱子萱 Zixuan Zhu

《斑斓的房子》 Colorful Houses



In China, I have a happy home, I hope I can live in a beautiful castle like Princess Elsa. My castle is colorful and very beautiful.

程思菡 Sihan Cheng

《太空遨游狂想曲》 Rhapsody in Space



In the near future, Chinese children will be able to travel to outer space with friends in our own rockets or spaceships, making good friends with the children from other planets in the universe, singing and dancing together... It's so happy!

藏泽嘉 Zejia Zang

《仙鹤》 Crane



Cranes represent good luck, happiness and longevity in China. I painted cranes to symbolize auspiciousness and perpetuation for my motherland! I ripped white tissue paper into pieces and stuck it on the crane's wings as feathers. I also drew a baby crane playing next to its mother. The background is made of various shades of blue painted with small brushes.

小学组 Primary School Students

马新雅 《植物迷宫》

Xinya Ma - Plant Labyrinth



When I was a child, I especially liked to play labyrinth. If there is a plant labyrinth, I'd love to have a look at the stems, the leaves, and the hearts of flowers, to see if there are labyrinths hidden there? And I'm going to take my friends and go through these mazes to see if they will get lost. I'm sure I won't. It must be fun!

温邲幻 《我和我的祖国》

Bihuan Wen - Me and My Motherland



Only when I went to Tiananmen Square did I feel a magnificent history of mountains and rivers. The Great Wall could resist foreign invaders and protect us. The China Railway High-speed brought convenience to people's lives. I went to Xi'an during the winter vacation and discovered the magic of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. So I incorporated the eighth wonder of the world into the painting. The rocket was launched, while I held the Chinese flag at the Great Wall and wanted to guard our beautiful motherland like them.

熊梓希 《奇妙的世界》

Zixi Xiong - The Wonderful World



I was inspired by the little monsters drawn by an Austrian artist Vexx and found it interesting. So I drew this picture with eyes, octopuses, colorful flowers, bubble-spitting whales, little cup monsters, and big-eyed monsters. I hope that others will be pleased when they see my painting, and that it can bring happiness to everyone!

郭一诺 《生命之歌》

Yinuo Guo - The Song of Life



Between light blue and dark blue, life emerges and multiplies, endlessly. This is the concerto of the ocean, the symphony of life, the singing in nature, the whisper outside heaven and earth, and the most beautiful sound in the universe.

刘若晳 《海洋之歌》

Ruoxi Liu - The Song of the Ocean



The ocean is the common home of humans and marine life. Everyone is immersed in the melodic music and feels the colorfulness of the ocean! The purpose of this painting is to call on everyone to jointly maintain the cleanness and beauty of the marine world and protect the harmonious development of the marine ecology.

罗恩泽 《我们一家人》

Enze Luo - My Family



I am 8 years old and painting is my favorite thing. I try to use various materials to portray the people and things around me. I was intrigued by the faces of my family members, so I drew a series of oil paintings of them. I really enjoy the feeling of painting.

黄嘉桐 《丝路那头的意大利》

Jiatong Huang

Italy on the Other Side of the Silk Road



This piece of mine is a fabric collage using me and my mother's old jeans. The jeans originated in Italy, the country of fashion, and I recreated a collage work of Piazza del Duomo in Pisa by cutting and pasting jeans with different colors to create a striking contrast.

刘若岚 《时间穿梭机》

Ruolan Liu - Time and Space Machine



The time and space machine is a brand-new entertainment product that adopts the high-tech means of electronic color display. Through light, sound, images, etc., many events and scenes are set off, allowing the audience to experience a variety of scenes in a safe environment, such as traveling through time and space, space adventure, high-speed driving, love in time and space, and disaster escape. The time and space machine has a small footprint, featuring convenient installation, zero pollution such as exhaust gas, waste liquid, solid waste, etc., and can be installed indoors and outdoors. It is widely suitable for various places and tourist attractions.

陈杏菲 《带我们去翱翔》

Xingfei Chen - Take Us to Soar



I imagine a big bird taking us soaring in the universe and seeing the sights of another world, how interesting it is. It is a super big bird with people playing on his back. He is very kind and friendly to take us to the universe to see the Milky Way and the meteor shower.

初中组 Junior High School Students

陈若伦 《奇特的集市》

Ruolun Chen - Fantastic Market



I created this painting using images of many fantastic creatures in The Classic of Mountains and Seas as reference, combining the elements of Huadan in Peking Opera to construct a lively and peculiar market scene. Watercolor is my favorite painting tool. It is easy to color and enables a variety of expressions. I like to paint. Although I am very busy with my studies, the moment I pick up the paintbrush, I feel very relaxed. I like to use painting to express my thoughts.

赵桐羽 《灿若繁星—丝绸之路》

Tongyu Zhao

Brilliant Like Stars-Silk Road



The Silk Road is one of the earliest windows for mutual understanding between China and the Western world. On this road, the landscape is beautiful, as charming as the sky full of stars. I stood in the distance, watching the footprints of camels walking forward in rows, looking at the starry sky above my head, and thinking about the story of the ancient Silk Road.

王习雯 《奇妙世界》

Xiwen Wang - The Wonderful World



I have a beautiful dream. On a quiet night, among the mountains and forests, I play pleasant music, the animals listen quietly, the fish swim happily, and people and nature coexist in harmony. May everyone enjoy such a beautiful and happy life!

吴梦缘 《梦里老家》

Mengyuan Wu - Hometown in Dreams



This work depicts the scene of looking inside a circular Tulou (a traditional communal Hakka people residence in Fujian) from the door. The lively atmosphere can be seen from the numerous rooms in the painting. The circular tulou boasts sufficient light and ventilation, large area, relatively simple construction, simplified roof as well as adequate wind, earthquake and fire resistance. Tulou is created due to turbulence and migration in China and East Asia in history, praised as "Oriental Ancient Castle" and "Architectural Wonder of the World". As a native of Western Fujian, I am proud of my ancestors having such wonderful architectures.

梁思淇 《母与子》

Siqi Liang - Mother and Son



Such kindness as young grass receivesFrom the warm sun can’t be repaid.One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is the voice of mother. A mother's love is endless. It also originates from the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. Benevolence, filial piety and fraternal duty form strong family affection; modesty and courtesy are part of the traditional Chinese virtues.

许宝月 《回家》

Baoyue Xu - Go Home



Home is the warmest place; going home is the most true thought. One must go home despite being far away.

蒋憬润 《拥抱祖国的明天》

Jingrun Jiang

Embrace the Future of the Motherland



Open your heart and embrace the future of motherland with gentle hands. Embrace the turtle, embrace our motherland, and use our body and heart to care for her and warm her. She will in turn care for us and warm us, and bestow us a better future.

刘泽园 《爱的味道》

Zeyuan Liu - The Taste of Love



Childhood is always composed of all kinds of colorful dreams and love, such as my mother's love for me, my love for my kitten, or the colorful bubble gum in the jar, my beloved bicycle, all of which fill my world with sunshine. Whenever I encounter the situation of going left or right, love always guides me towards warmth!

杨青霖 《探索与求知》

Qinglin Yang - Exploration and Knowledge Seeking



Technology brings dreams, innovation changes the world. In the mysterious universe, people explore the mysteries of the universe and reveal the unknown world through continuous efforts. I wish that the science and technology of my motherland progresses with each passing day, and that it will remain prosperous and glorious forever!

卢怡瑾 《点点星辰》

Yijin Lu - Little Stars



I created this painting in the hope that one day we will be able to land on the moon and contribute to the development of mankind. I believe that day will come soon.

解程凯 《人物再创造》

Chengkai Xie - Figure Recreation



The method of replacement is adopted to depict facial features and highlight diverse changes of facial expressions, so that people can fully sense the artistic language of configuring points, lines and planes, and express their own understanding and perception.

陈嘉仪 《母亲》

Jiayi Chen - Mother



The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to its inhabitants. China's wetlands provide abundant environments to various species, nourishing the growth of all beings like a  mother bearing life. From ancient times to the present, this land has selflessly provided us nourishment for growth and development. In the future, we will use science and technology to protect wetlands and the environment.

孙梦谦 《时间规划》

Mengqian Sun - Time Planning


我们的大脑装满了各种各样的事情,为了合理有效地利用它,我们应该对自己的时间进行规划。这幅作品我以大脑和时钟的结合,对各种事情进行分类,在紧张的学习任务中,设法将自己各种爱好合理规划进去。时间就是生命, 让我们与时间赛跑!

Our brain is filled with various things. In order to use it reasonably and effectively, we should plan our time. In this work, I integrated the brain with clock to classify various things so that I can try to make reasonable plans for my hobbies in a tight study schedule. Time is life, let's race against time!

孙思韵 《速写》

Siyun Sun - Sketch



My eyes are a camera. All I can do is make a photo album about myself. What I see is not the car, but my past, as if everything around me had been distorted in meaning and became a mirror which only reflects my appearance. When I look at them, I don't really see them; I see myself reflected on them from their outer shells.

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